Poker raise mindestens big blind

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In poker, what is an ante, big blind, small blind, and how ...

Poker Blinds and Antes | HowStuffWorks Most Hold'em (short for Texas Hold'em) poker games require players to post blinds (initial bets) before any cards are dealt in order to stimulate the betting (i.e., so that there will be money to win). Usually there are two blinds -- a small blind and a big blind -- in each playing round. Poker Rules - Buttons & Blinds | PokerZone A new player cannot be dealt in between the big blind and the button. Blinds may not be made up between the big blind and the button. You must wait until the button passes. [See "Explanations," discussion #6, for more information on this rule.] When you post the big blind, it serves as your opening bet. Playing From the Blinds | Red Chip Poker

Learn How To Play Texas Hold’em Online | Rules | Global Poker

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Defending the Big Blind Widely Versus a Small Blind

Aug 20, 2018 · tournament blinds 6k/12k utg all in for 20k btn call sb fold can bb raise? he hasn't acted yet but what is the actual rule? Can the big blind raise here? - Poker Card Room - Casino Live Poker … How Much to Raise | Poker Tutorials - YouTube Dec 14, 2013 · So here we have blinds of $25 and $50. If I were to raise to 3 times the big blind, I would make it 3 times $50 or $150. A standard raise pre-flop is anywhere from two big blinds all … Poker Beginners Guide: Blind Bets -

Facing an open-raise from the big blind

A big blind is a mandatory bet used in poker variations that typically don't have antes, such as Texas Hold 'Em.By manipulating the size of the big blind or the amount of time between increases it's possible to control the duration and stakes of a poker game. Big Blind Play Against a Minraise, 10-15bb deep Playing the big blind correctly against opponents who will minraise, limp, openshove, and openfold 10-15 big blinds deep is one ofThere is actually some sexy stuff you can do here against regs who use this polarized raising range, particularly those who minraise... Equity Realization - Playing From The Big Blind |…

Mit der Zeit sind unzählige Pokervarianten entstanden. Häufig wird die Pokervariante Texas Holdem gespielt, aber es gibt auch andere Versionen von Poker.

In No-Limit Hold'em, the minimum bet is usually the big blind. The minimum raise is going to be the amount of the previous bet or raise called.For example, let's say you are playing NL holden with blinds at 100-200. You are first to act after the flop and you bet 500. Calling A Button Minraise From The Big Blind | Forum The bigger the raise size, the higher the winrate in terms of BB/100, which makes sense as they normally raise tighter. If they raise smaller they loosen up but their WR goes down. Example of Small Blinds and Big Blinds in Texas Holdem … I take you through a live demonstration of how most poker tables use small blinds and big blinds when betting.